
WESTON FOREST has excellent supply relationships throughout North America. We buy absolutely every grade of lumber a sawmill can produce.

Green and KD-HT S-P-F lumber

All sizes and grades of from economy to Premium.

Machine Stress Rated (MSR) lumber for truss applications

Bedframe components and strips

Rough lumber in all species and sizes

Timbers – HT or green

S-P-F squares and timbers in all softwood species and sizes including Douglas fir timbers, Hemlock, Tamarack, and Red Pine

Lagging & Shoring

Crane Mats

Scaffold planks

All sizes and grades of Southern Yellow Pine lumber

Fire-retardant S-P-F lumber

IPPC – ISPM No. 15 compliant HT Wood Packaging Material, including Dunnage

FSC® C109634 Certified lumber for LEED credits

Custom milling services

Include cut-to-size, grooving, notching, resawing, radius, ripping, and dressing.

Please note that Weston Forest is a wholesaler. We do not sell the public, homebuilders, renovation contractors, or any product for export outside North America.


Director – Purchasing & Logistics
T: 905.678.4760 TF: 888.695.7078
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