
WESTON FOREST is a leader in our industry. We are active in several industry associations, in many cases at the committee, board, and executive level.

We are certified by the Forest Stewardship Council®(FSC® C109634), because we care about the management of the world’s forest resource. A significant part of our business involves extending this forest resource through remanufacturing.

We were one of the first companies in Canada certified under the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) Canadian Heat Treated Wood Products Certification Program (CHTWPCP), and the Canadian Wood Packaging Certification Program (CWPCP). This ensures that we are IPPC – ISPM No. 15 compliant, which safeguards the world’s forests from invasive species.

WESTON FOREST is C-TPAT (Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism) certified, not just to expedite our shipments, but because it’s the right thing to do.

We also strive to be a good corporate citizen by being involved in local charity programs, both financially and with our people.

WESTON FOREST. You’ll love doing business with us.